Assurance of Learning (AoL)

HLA Competencies were defined by the Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) , the nation’s premier professional organization that together represent more than 140,000 members across the major healthcare management sectors. They defined five domains integral to the healthcare sector. We have embedded these domains into our program learning outcomes (PLOs) in order to produce well-rounded leaders that will contribute ethically and responsibly to society. These PLOs, alongside CNU's institutional learning ourcomes, are systematically assessed throughout the MHA program to assure quality of learning and continuous improvement.
MHA Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
1.0 Summarize foundational business functions and management theories (Domain 1: Business skills and knowledge)
1.1 Organize and manage the human, financial and physical resources of the organization to achieve input, buy-in and optimal performance.
1.2 Determine the efficacy of interrelationships among access, quality, technology, cost, resource allocation, decisions, accountability, and community.
1.3 Use data to inform decision making in regards to documentation, analysis and design of business and/or clinical processes.
1.4 Assess projects related to performance, structure and outcomes of health services.
2.0 Evaluate healthcare delivery models and stakeholders. (Domain 2: Knowledge of the Healthcare environment)
2.1 Explain the roles, responsibilities, structures and influence governing bodies hold in health care organizations.
2.2 Identify circumstances causing major changes and reform to the structure of U.S. health care delivery systems and explain the impact on the delivery of health services to populations at a local, regional, and national level.
2.3 Analyze health-related legal principles including standards, regulations and risk management specific to the funding and payment mechanisms of the healthcare systems as well as private insurance.
2.4 Identify and explain the major factors in health status to health care professionals and the various roles and expectations of stakeholders.
3.0 Explore and evaluate the role of leadership and ethics in Healthcare Management (Domain 3: Leadership)
3.1 Demonstrate reflective leadership and an understanding that all leadership begins from within. Exhibit how to hold self and others accountable for personal and organizational goal attainment. Determine how to establish an organizational climate that encourages teamwork that values and supports diversity.
3.2 Apply evidence-based decision-making techniques to health care questions. Be able to assess the potential impacts and consequences of decisions in a broad variety of situations including internal and external. Synthesize and integrate divergent viewpoints for the good of the organization. Demonstrate how to promote and manage change.
3.3 Cultivates a climate of mutual respect and shared values while applying ethical business principles and exhibiting ethical behaviors.
4.0 Incorporate critical thinking and optimal decision making skills to produce an integrated analysis that enhances healthcare management. (Domain 4: Communication and Relationship Management)
4.1 Builds collaborative relationship and negotiation skills with sensitivity to diverse cultures while constructively supporting conflict resolution. Recognize and use non-verbal forms of communication.
4.2 Demonstrate effective interpersonal relations by practicing value-shared decision making to build trust among team; including: peers, staff, other disciplines, physicians, vendors, community leaders, legislators, nursing, and other educational programs.
4.3 Prepare business communications and demonstrate effective oral communication and presentation skills to present analytical results to decision makers, and teams.
4.4 Communicate a shared organizational mission, vision, and priorities. Accomplish objectives through persuasion appropriate to each stakeholder/audience.
5.0 Evaluate the role of healthcare delivery as it relates to individual and organizational differences. (Domain 5: Professionalism)
5.1 Professional and community contribution: Lifelong learning through professional societies and memberships to foster professional contributions to the field.
5.2 Working in teams: Demonstrate effective interpersonal relations by practicing value-shared decision making to build trust among team; including: peers, staff, other disciplines, physicians, vendors, community leaders, legislators, nursing, and other educational programs.
5.3 Regulations, values and ethics: Promotes a climate of mutual respect and shared values. Adheres to legal and regulatory standards while upholding ethical business principles.